Sep 25, 2023
Managing our footprint
9000人通过威尼斯电玩城手游的项目获得了更多的饮用水 rainwater harvesting program in Mexico
Donated $1.到2020年,向71个非营利环保组织提供0.05亿美元
Doing the right thing
威尼斯电玩城手游认识到,威尼斯电玩城手游如何与环境互动对您至关重要. It is to us, too.
That's why our Environment principles of stewardship, protection and performance 在建设和运营能源基础设施时,反映威尼斯电玩城手游的文化并指导威尼斯电玩城手游每天的决策.
威尼斯电玩城手游致力于在威尼斯电玩城手游资产的整个生命周期中保护环境, from business development to project planning and design, 从建造和运营到修复和最终退役.
To learn more about TC Energy and the environment, read our latest 2023 Report on Sustainability.
Environmental stewardship through collaboration
合作和关系的建立是威尼斯电玩城手游的核心 Environment principles. We develop partnerships with employees, industry partners, 土著群体和管理机构共同努力,帮助找到解决重要环境问题的办法.
Collaborating with employees
Our employees are dedicated stewards of the environment. 威尼斯电玩城手游的环境治理流程适用于所有员工,并整合到所有司法管辖区的所有业务部门.
We understand the vital need to conserve, 保护和恢复野生动物和植物的栖息地-包括在水中和陆地上. From rivers to ranchlands and trout to caribou, we are actively partnering with organizations, such as the below partners, to conserve important habitat across the continent.
威尼斯电玩城手游一直支持鳟鱼无限加拿大超过20年的重要工作,以保护, protect and restore freshwater ecosystems. Most recently, we have been supporting the Reconnecting Canada program, 它的目标是重新连接全国100万英里不相连的水道. Through projects involving culvert replacements, culvert modifications or stream modifications, “百万英里计划”将把鱼类和它们的栖息地联系起来, repair river beds, 改善水质,让加拿大人用上他们的水.
United States
威尼斯电玩城手游与俄勒冈州的德舒特国家森林合作,修复宝琳娜河, a unique water system in the high desert plateau area, encouraging the reestablishment of native plants, 改善附近传粉昆虫的栖息地,恢复溪流的自然流动.
威尼斯电玩城手游与奇瓦瓦州政府合作,提供4加元.1 million project to help make clean drinking water 这是居住在威尼斯电玩城手游的托波奥巴马波天然气管道附近的2,450个墨西哥土著家庭的现实. In total, 1,将为奇瓦瓦州的拉穆里人建造830个收集水系统和35个收集水系统, 为这些社区提供积极改变生活的基础设施.
TC Energy的运营管理系统(TOMS)为威尼斯电玩城手游的资产设计提供了一个框架, constructed, operated and decommissioned to ensure the safety, security and protection of our people, property, physical assets and the environment. 这种方法确保驱动的原则和需求是一致的, 遵循有效和高效的业务结果,并满足公司政策和法规要求.
TOMS is modeled after international standards, 包括国际标准化组织(ISO)环境管理体系标准, ISO 14001和职业健康和安全评估系列(OHSAS 18001)的职业健康和安全. 它符合外部行业共识标准和自愿计划, and complies with applicable legislative requirements. It covers 100 per cent of our projects and operations, 并遵循一个持续的改进周期,分为四个关键领域:
- planning – risk and regulatory assessment, objective and target setting, defining roles and responsibilities
- 实施——项目的制定和实施, procedures and standards to manage operational risk
- 报告-事件报告和调查,以及绩效监控
- 行动-由管理层进行的保证活动和绩效评审.
As part of TOMS and this continuous improvement cycle, TC Energy’s requirement to provide environmental training includes regulations; industry standards; and TC Energy policies, programs, 并在环境培训和意识计划中概述了程序. 该计划旨在支持和促进威尼斯电玩城手游的环境管理原则, protection, 以及所有员工和资产的绩效,并帮助确保环境培训和发展系统地进行, consistently and continuously.